Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Blue Moon

I just read that "Once in a blue moon" is happening this New Years Eve.

The term "blue moon" refers to the second full moon in a calendar month, something that hasn't happened on a New Year's Eve for nearly 20 years, NASA says.
(from CNN)The last blue moon on New Years Eve was in 1990.

There is also to be a partial lunar eclipse but it won´t be able to be seen in the Western Hemisphere. Too bad for us on this side of the Earth.

So while your partying in the New Year look up to the skies. Listen for those wolves (or humans trying to be wild animals) howling at the moon. Also say a little prayer and thank the Creator for the beauty around us.

Happy New Year to all.

There will also be a short meteor shower on January 4 called
The Quadrantids
The peak will happen mainly during the daylight hours of the 3rd but you should still be able to see the meteors in the evening in the Northern Hemisphere. Make sure you go out and see what you can see.

Sky and Telescope Magazine

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Merry Christmas Video To All

I could not find a Christmas card I liked so I decided to make this little video for all. Santa is singing softly so you might have to turn up the volume a little. The Chihuahua has a loud voice so beware.

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Palos Music at La Espiral 1

I love palos music (what is palos check it out on my web site)! I liked this type of music before I even knew what it was. It is sort of primitive but gets into the soul. At least it gets into my soul. I used my digital camera to take this video and it was dark so its not that great but you can get the idea. I also took a video of a lady dancing with the singer. They were both so good but, oh well, it was too dark and all that was to be seen was a black scene with a few little glimpses of light. I´ll try again another time. Usually on Friday nights La Espiral in Colonial Zone has a palos group so there may be more music to come.
Enjoy the video!