Here I am up early again. When I start a project I get sort of obsessed with it. I dream the project. That's where the "puddles" came from on the web site I dreamt them.
I also dreamt of a lot of the jewelry I make. I miss making jewelry. All my jewelry stuff is still in Dominican Republic. In my boyfriends garage. Along with most of my belongings. Many of my friends and my Dominican family. But most of all my heart is in DR. Its where I left it for safe keeping. Until I can return.
The History of the Boxer Shorts Man
He was a professor in a college.
Very intelligent.
Then he started to lose his mind.
He ended up the way I saw him.
I met his nephew.
He told me.
The day he helped me clean the sidewalk.
This was his last day on the earth.
He had a stomach problem.
I heard that he was found
Taken to hospital.
No one knew who he was.
He died.
It was strange.
About 4 days after he cleaned up after Sniffy.
There was a call into the radio
Someone talking about negligence in the hospitals.
A lady talking about her brother dying.
My friend said to me she felt it was my friend they were talking about.
It was.
He died.
I never saw him again.
I just hope I made him happy.
I thank God that I got to know the Boxer Shorts Man.
I will never forget him.
This is a blog of my life in Dominican Republic, my thoughts on life and the way I view things around me.
Welcome to my own little world. The way I see life through my sometimes rose colored glasses.
If you want to learn more about Dominican Republic please check This is a web site I made about the country I love.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Its Finally Coming Together
I'm finally understanding this web page making..a little. I change the formt of the page. The other was too cluttered and took to long to load. I put too many gozmos on it.
Now I'm trying to find info for the site. If anyone has anything to add. Places you like or have a little review on please let me know and I'll be glad to include it on the page with your name included if you want.
The Boxer Shorts Man --The Last Day
In front of the gallery.
Sniffy, my dog, left her mark
A small pile of her best.
If you know what I mean.
The Boxer Shorts Man was passing by.
My friends and I were laughing.
Going for paper to clean it up.
He pulled out of his pocket a paper towel.
Stooped over and picked up the small pile.
Tool it to the dumpster
Returned with more paper to clean the sidewalk.
We kept telling him he did not have to do this.
But he was so happy to help.
He likes Sniffy.
We gave him a towel to wash his hands.
He was talking jumbled words.
Had a big smile on his face.
He wasn't wearing boxer shorts that day.
We thanked him as he walked away.
He kept turning around and waving.
So happy to have helped.
I felt good that he was happy.
He disappeared in the distance.
As he walked up the sidewalk.
This was the last time I ever saw him.
Now I'm trying to find info for the site. If anyone has anything to add. Places you like or have a little review on please let me know and I'll be glad to include it on the page with your name included if you want.
The Boxer Shorts Man --The Last Day
In front of the gallery.
Sniffy, my dog, left her mark
A small pile of her best.
If you know what I mean.
The Boxer Shorts Man was passing by.
My friends and I were laughing.
Going for paper to clean it up.
He pulled out of his pocket a paper towel.
Stooped over and picked up the small pile.
Tool it to the dumpster
Returned with more paper to clean the sidewalk.
We kept telling him he did not have to do this.
But he was so happy to help.
He likes Sniffy.
We gave him a towel to wash his hands.
He was talking jumbled words.
Had a big smile on his face.
He wasn't wearing boxer shorts that day.
We thanked him as he walked away.
He kept turning around and waving.
So happy to have helped.
I felt good that he was happy.
He disappeared in the distance.
As he walked up the sidewalk.
This was the last time I ever saw him.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Its cold and snowing here today. I dream of my island where it never snows. Sometimes in the mountains there is frost but that's about it.
So many people in Dominican Republic have never seen snow. They asked me to describe it. Snow is like a blanket on the world. It makes everything so quite. You can hear long distances, Someone shoveling their sidewalk sounds so loud. Even walking is loud. Its like theres microphones everywhere amplifying the sounds. The snow makes a squeeking sound when you walk in it. When the sun hits it it sparkles like bits of diamonds are sprinkles all over. It makes a baron brown backgound change to look so fresh and new.
THEN.....When the snow stops falling and its not fresh anymore. You can't drive. Your back hurts from shoveling. Its too cold to do anything. Can't even breath outside because your nose holes get stuck together. Cars don't start. The roads are dangerous. Gas and electric bills rise. Toes and fingers are always freezing. Then when you bundle up it gets too hot but if you unbundle your too cold.
So for me. I'd rather just see the snow on TV. I'm glad I got to experience it but I never wanted to see it again. I hope after this winter I never will
Going over the river and through the woods today to Grandma and Grandpa's place for Thanksgiving dinner. Ought to be a real treat. HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!
Strange encounters with the Boxer shorts man
As time passed he would run out to greet me when he saw me.
He would walk past my balcony and smile.
Always trying to tell me something.
I was nice to him.
He started to watch for me during his workouts in the garden.
He bought me sugar cane.
He carried things from the Colmado to my door.
Then I noticed his boxer shorts sticking out.
He was VERY happy to see me.
I did not know what to do.
After this I tried to avoid him.
I didn't want to cause him or I problems.
It was difficult.
He was a nice man.
I never went to his house again.
I smiled but tried to keep at a distance.
He didn't seem to notice.
So many people in Dominican Republic have never seen snow. They asked me to describe it. Snow is like a blanket on the world. It makes everything so quite. You can hear long distances, Someone shoveling their sidewalk sounds so loud. Even walking is loud. Its like theres microphones everywhere amplifying the sounds. The snow makes a squeeking sound when you walk in it. When the sun hits it it sparkles like bits of diamonds are sprinkles all over. It makes a baron brown backgound change to look so fresh and new.
THEN.....When the snow stops falling and its not fresh anymore. You can't drive. Your back hurts from shoveling. Its too cold to do anything. Can't even breath outside because your nose holes get stuck together. Cars don't start. The roads are dangerous. Gas and electric bills rise. Toes and fingers are always freezing. Then when you bundle up it gets too hot but if you unbundle your too cold.
So for me. I'd rather just see the snow on TV. I'm glad I got to experience it but I never wanted to see it again. I hope after this winter I never will
Going over the river and through the woods today to Grandma and Grandpa's place for Thanksgiving dinner. Ought to be a real treat. HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!
Strange encounters with the Boxer shorts man
As time passed he would run out to greet me when he saw me.
He would walk past my balcony and smile.
Always trying to tell me something.
I was nice to him.
He started to watch for me during his workouts in the garden.
He bought me sugar cane.
He carried things from the Colmado to my door.
Then I noticed his boxer shorts sticking out.
He was VERY happy to see me.
I did not know what to do.
After this I tried to avoid him.
I didn't want to cause him or I problems.
It was difficult.
He was a nice man.
I never went to his house again.
I smiled but tried to keep at a distance.
He didn't seem to notice.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Starting Early today
I finally got a page on my new web site! I was so excited. Life was good. For a little time anyhow.
I was working hard on a page lastnight and saved it wrong and lost it all. Now have to start again. But its OK. This time I will be a little faster at doing it. Like when I crashed this puter so many times and pals were there to talk me through how do reinstall windows. I'm getting pretty good at it now. Maybe it will be the same with this web site stuff. Maybe someday I can semi-understand all this.
Finally got in touch with my man yestreday. Verizon DR isn't always that reliable. But I do have to say it is better than the electric (thats not saying much tho). I call him and always get some human saying the line is busy. Its a cellular with call waiting so thats almost impossible. But anyhow, he does receive my text messages ( this is great for sending text to a Verizon phone in Dominican Republic. and he called me. It was his birthday on Sunday and I felt so bad I couldn't even talk to him. Oh well, he knows his country! jeje
So back to work on the site. Hope it all comes out good this day. Porfavor Dios!
In the meantime heres another installment of
Going to Boxer Shorts home
Walking past his home one day.
He came out to greet me.
He asked me to come into his house in his mumbled word way.
I was getting to understand some of what he was saying.
His spanish.
He wanted to give me some pineapple.
I went into his house.
He had me sit and wait
He went into the kitchen to cut me his precious gift.
I ate the pineapple with him.
Listening to his constant talking.
Smiling when I thought appropriate.
He wanted me to see his TV.
It was in his bedroom.
I was a bit nervous but I followed him.
He was very persistant.
He showed me the remote for the tv
How it functioned.
Promptly after this he took me to the front door and said goodbye.
He gave me a little kiss on the cheek.
As I walked away he watched from his doorway.
He was smiling.
More From The Balcony later
I was working hard on a page lastnight and saved it wrong and lost it all. Now have to start again. But its OK. This time I will be a little faster at doing it. Like when I crashed this puter so many times and pals were there to talk me through how do reinstall windows. I'm getting pretty good at it now. Maybe it will be the same with this web site stuff. Maybe someday I can semi-understand all this.
Finally got in touch with my man yestreday. Verizon DR isn't always that reliable. But I do have to say it is better than the electric (thats not saying much tho). I call him and always get some human saying the line is busy. Its a cellular with call waiting so thats almost impossible. But anyhow, he does receive my text messages ( this is great for sending text to a Verizon phone in Dominican Republic. and he called me. It was his birthday on Sunday and I felt so bad I couldn't even talk to him. Oh well, he knows his country! jeje
So back to work on the site. Hope it all comes out good this day. Porfavor Dios!
In the meantime heres another installment of
Going to Boxer Shorts home
Walking past his home one day.
He came out to greet me.
He asked me to come into his house in his mumbled word way.
I was getting to understand some of what he was saying.
His spanish.
He wanted to give me some pineapple.
I went into his house.
He had me sit and wait
He went into the kitchen to cut me his precious gift.
I ate the pineapple with him.
Listening to his constant talking.
Smiling when I thought appropriate.
He wanted me to see his TV.
It was in his bedroom.
I was a bit nervous but I followed him.
He was very persistant.
He showed me the remote for the tv
How it functioned.
Promptly after this he took me to the front door and said goodbye.
He gave me a little kiss on the cheek.
As I walked away he watched from his doorway.
He was smiling.
More From The Balcony later
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Still struggling
I still can't get stuff uploaded to my new web page. It's brought my to tears a few times. But I WILL figure this out if it kills me...which it just might! jejej I was up at 5 AM to give it another go with a semi-fresh brain. So in until I figure this out heres another story from
Views From My Balcony
After we waved for many months he started trying to talk with me.
He never made sense when he spoke.
Yet he was really trying to communicate.
I do not think this was due to my limited understanding of the spanish language
He was happy.
He seemed to have an intelegence that he could not convey.
One day he took me to his meditation spot.
He was telling me about the trees.
I did not understand his words.
They weren't really words he was speaking.
Slured and mumbled together.
But in his head he had to be making sense.
I listened to him.
Smiling and nodding when I thought appropriate.
He seemed to enjoy talking to me.
more to come
Views From My Balcony
After we waved for many months he started trying to talk with me.
He never made sense when he spoke.
Yet he was really trying to communicate.
I do not think this was due to my limited understanding of the spanish language
He was happy.
He seemed to have an intelegence that he could not convey.
One day he took me to his meditation spot.
He was telling me about the trees.
I did not understand his words.
They weren't really words he was speaking.
Slured and mumbled together.
But in his head he had to be making sense.
I listened to him.
Smiling and nodding when I thought appropriate.
He seemed to enjoy talking to me.
more to come
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Views from the Balcony, things I see
I write some stories when I'm in the mood to do so. They say (and of course you know who THEY are) artists only can be creative when the mood strikes them. So I'll pretend to be an artist. But it really is true, I can only make jewelry when I'm in the mood( I never mentioned that I make jewelry. I'll write about that another day. When I'm in the mood jejjee). Can only build stuff when I feel like it. Can only have...well, now I'm embarrassed with what I'm thinking now..anyhow.
The Boxer Shorts Man
An interesting older man I watched almost everyday.
Early in the morning.
He was there in the garden across the street.
In his boxer shorts.
The old fashioned white type.
Lifting a piece of concrete.
Like it was a weight.
His exercise.
He worked hard.
Not paying attention to anyone.
After his workout he would squat down.
Looked like some yoga position.
He would stay in this position.
Many times for more than an hour.
I could never figure out at what he was looking.
About what he was thinking.
Or for that matter, if he was looking at or thinking about anything
I watched him.
Sometimes he would see me.
Make motions toward the sea.
Toward the sky.
Other times he would point up toward the trees.
I smiled at him and waved back.
Then when he was finished doing whatever it was he was doing
He walked back to his home.
Looking very content.
more of the Boxer Shorts Man next time
The Boxer Shorts Man
An interesting older man I watched almost everyday.
Early in the morning.
He was there in the garden across the street.
In his boxer shorts.
The old fashioned white type.
Lifting a piece of concrete.
Like it was a weight.
His exercise.
He worked hard.
Not paying attention to anyone.
After his workout he would squat down.
Looked like some yoga position.
He would stay in this position.
Many times for more than an hour.
I could never figure out at what he was looking.
About what he was thinking.
Or for that matter, if he was looking at or thinking about anything
I watched him.
Sometimes he would see me.
Make motions toward the sea.
Toward the sky.
Other times he would point up toward the trees.
I smiled at him and waved back.
Then when he was finished doing whatever it was he was doing
He walked back to his home.
Looking very content.
more of the Boxer Shorts Man next time
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I was talking with a puter pal last night. I was telling him about the electric in DR. Or maybe I should say the lack of electric in DR.
Living without electric really isn't as bad as most would think. I usually bought fresh food everyday and there was only me and the dog so I didn't need a big stash of food. I only have one of those college dorm fridges. A half thing. Its good for me. The biggest problem was getting used to not stocking up on food like I did when I lived in USA. I'd buy the large portions and freeze stuff so I didn't have to shop much (I hate shopping). I'm also a condiment freak. It takes me 10 minutes just getting all the condoemnts on the food before I can even start eating. So I had to cut back on condiment usage also. One good thing about a little fridge is that when the power did go out I didn't have much to lose. The bad thing was the freezer was so small I could only keep ice in it and it took forever for the ice to freeze.
Anyhow..back to the electric. Sin luz. No problemo! When the power went out the people would go to the street. I lived across from a park and the neighbors would all go to the park or sit outside. It was nice knowing and being able to hang out with the neighbors. Not like in USA where most people don't really know their neighbors. I never wanted to hang with the neighbors in USA but in DR its the thing to do.
So the power goes out its a chance to not be in front of the puter (I call the computer the puter just so you all know) or the TV. I did get some reading done also. Its a chance to get out. Take a walk. Meet some people.
In the night it does get a little bad. If there's no generators the streets are dark. I used to carry a little flashlight with me incase I was out walking when the power went out then I could see so I didn't fall in a sidewalk hole! Just stay close to home. Pretend your living in the pioneer days and read by lantern light. Or go to bed early. It can get hot without the fan but sweating is good sometimes. Cleans out the pours.
Have to look at it with a positive attitude. It can't be changed so just accept it and make the best out of it. I think maybe I was preparing for this move and didn't know it. I used to camp a lot. The roughing it kind of camping. So maybe all the camping experience was just preparing me for my new life in Dominican Republic.
One never knows where life will lead. And I'm so glad mine led me to DR!
By the way, this little free program is great to check your spelling.
Living without electric really isn't as bad as most would think. I usually bought fresh food everyday and there was only me and the dog so I didn't need a big stash of food. I only have one of those college dorm fridges. A half thing. Its good for me. The biggest problem was getting used to not stocking up on food like I did when I lived in USA. I'd buy the large portions and freeze stuff so I didn't have to shop much (I hate shopping). I'm also a condiment freak. It takes me 10 minutes just getting all the condoemnts on the food before I can even start eating. So I had to cut back on condiment usage also. One good thing about a little fridge is that when the power did go out I didn't have much to lose. The bad thing was the freezer was so small I could only keep ice in it and it took forever for the ice to freeze.
Anyhow..back to the electric. Sin luz. No problemo! When the power went out the people would go to the street. I lived across from a park and the neighbors would all go to the park or sit outside. It was nice knowing and being able to hang out with the neighbors. Not like in USA where most people don't really know their neighbors. I never wanted to hang with the neighbors in USA but in DR its the thing to do.
So the power goes out its a chance to not be in front of the puter (I call the computer the puter just so you all know) or the TV. I did get some reading done also. Its a chance to get out. Take a walk. Meet some people.
In the night it does get a little bad. If there's no generators the streets are dark. I used to carry a little flashlight with me incase I was out walking when the power went out then I could see so I didn't fall in a sidewalk hole! Just stay close to home. Pretend your living in the pioneer days and read by lantern light. Or go to bed early. It can get hot without the fan but sweating is good sometimes. Cleans out the pours.
Have to look at it with a positive attitude. It can't be changed so just accept it and make the best out of it. I think maybe I was preparing for this move and didn't know it. I used to camp a lot. The roughing it kind of camping. So maybe all the camping experience was just preparing me for my new life in Dominican Republic.
One never knows where life will lead. And I'm so glad mine led me to DR!
By the way, this little free program is great to check your spelling.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Some of what I love of DR

Couldn't sleep last night. Who knows why.
I've been trying to make a web site but just can't figure it out so a friend told me to start with a Blog. The big problem is I have no idea where to start...I was born...LOL!
Lets see...Why did I move to Dominican Republic. The weather? The beaches? The people? The beer? Yea..That's it! The beer is great! But really, I think its the life style there. So many ask me why I would chose a third world country when there are so many other places. I can't really answer that with a solid reply. It's just after visiting this country I fell in love with it. When I left my heart stayed behind. Its still there now. As far as I know it always will be.
It wasn't a man either. Even though those Dominican men are pretty great. Maybe its the attitudes of the people. Most are friendly and giving people. The lifestyle is slow, tranquilo. In general, things move slow. Takes a while to get used to taking life slow. Walking slow is especially difficult. The Dominicans say they can spot a tourists just by the way they walk. Long strides. Walking fast. After living there for a while I noticed this and concentrated on walking slow. It was work at first, very deliberate on my part. But I achieved. When I had to return to USA I really noticed this in the humans here. It's not easy trying to keep my "Dominican stride" here. But I'm trying.
Anyhow, all I do know is that Dominican Republic is my home. Even if I'm not living there at this time. It is the place I call home and always will. Its not easy living there but then life anywhere has its ups and downs. For me the good out weighs the bad. The good people outward the bad. I love it. I love my life in DR. I can't wait to return.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
This is a test
This , of course, is my first blog. Not sure what I'm doing yet so I'm just going to play around here until I figure a good starting point.
This blog isn't going to have much about my life now. I'm in USA now taking care of things beyond my control. As soon as all the crap is taken care of I will return to my new country, Dominican Republic.
So let me get this set up and figure out how to work a blog and I'll be back with stories as I see them. But then, the way I see things ,in my opinion, is the only way they need to be seen.
Always remember...Anything you do in your life you need to ask yourself
"How is this going to affect Jan?"
If it is going to affect me badly then you don't do it. This is all you need to remember to live your life!
This blog isn't going to have much about my life now. I'm in USA now taking care of things beyond my control. As soon as all the crap is taken care of I will return to my new country, Dominican Republic.
So let me get this set up and figure out how to work a blog and I'll be back with stories as I see them. But then, the way I see things ,in my opinion, is the only way they need to be seen.
Always remember...Anything you do in your life you need to ask yourself
"How is this going to affect Jan?"
If it is going to affect me badly then you don't do it. This is all you need to remember to live your life!
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