Sunday, November 20, 2005

Still struggling

I still can't get stuff uploaded to my new web page. It's brought my to tears a few times. But I WILL figure this out if it kills me...which it just might! jejej I was up at 5 AM to give it another go with a semi-fresh brain. So in until I figure this out heres another story from

Views From My Balcony


After we waved for many months he started trying to talk with me.
He never made sense when he spoke.
Yet he was really trying to communicate.
I do not think this was due to my limited understanding of the spanish language
He was happy.
He seemed to have an intelegence that he could not convey.
One day he took me to his meditation spot.
He was telling me about the trees.
I did not understand his words.
They weren't really words he was speaking.
Slured and mumbled together.
But in his head he had to be making sense.
I listened to him.
Smiling and nodding when I thought appropriate.
He seemed to enjoy talking to me.

more to come

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