Sunday, December 09, 2007

Poema Epico-Epic Poem

I went to Cafe Teatro and saw an extraordinary production on Friday night. It is a very small and intimate theater in Colonial Zone. Located above the Sala de Arte Comtemporaneo of Juan Mayi on Arz. Portes #20. Mayi had an art exposition the night before and they told me about the show the following night.
Poema Epico: Maximo Gomez Bajando (Epic Poem: Below Maximo Gomez). Maximo Gomez is a street in the capital, which has a main highway over top much of the street.
The performance was in Spanish but it did not matter that I did not understand all the words. The actress Tarsis Castro was excellent. I was really drawn into the performance. It was very emotional. It was about a woman, a poor woman, and her sufferings with her life. The monologue was about her suffering, her struggles and her trying to overcome them all.
The writer, Monica Volonteri is a very likeable person. The way she wrote the lady in the poem was so realistic and captivating. I can't wait to hear more from her.
This monologue will be presented until Tuesday (Dec. 11) at the Cafe Cinema and I urge everyone to attend, even if you don't speak Spanish, you will enjoy the performance I am sure.

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